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[Real-World Case Study] Living Well with Chronic Illness: Mindfulness and Health Coaching with Deborah Bircham

member events Jun 16, 2024
chronic illness, mindfulness, health coaching, coach

 Join us for an inspiring Real-World Case Study event featuring Deborah Bircham
DipCNM, Dip.Hyp, mNCIP, mANP, a health coach and mindfulness practitioner who has turned her personal journey with Lyme Disease and chronic pain into a powerful practice supporting others with chronic illnesses.

Deborah, who resides in the UK, has transformed her severe illness experience into a specialized approach to mindfulness and health coaching, particularly for those dealing with long-term health conditions, chronic pain, and nervous system dysregulation. Learn about the innovative strategies she employs, such as adapting traditional mindfulness practices to accommodate the specific needs of her clients. Discover how Deborah integrates movement practices, self-compassion, and acceptance to help her clients reconnect with their bodies and manage their symptoms more effectively.

Recorded on Thursday, June 20, 2024

What you will hear about:

  • Adapted Mindfulness Techniques: Learn how Deborah modified traditional mindfulness practices to better suit individuals with chronic pain and complex chronic illnesses, ensuring the practices are accessible and effective.
  • Challenges and Innovations: Discover the obstacles Deborah faced in her practice and the innovative solutions she developed to help her clients engage with mindfulness in a meaningful way.
  • Client Success Stories: Hear stories illustrating the impact of Deborah’s tailored mindfulness programs on client well-being.

Engage in an interactive session where Deborah will share her practical strategies, experiences, and insights, offering valuable lessons for professionals interested in integrating mindfulness into their work with chronic illness. Whether you come to listen, share, or participate in discussions, your involvement is welcomed!


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Featured Member: Deborah Bircham, DipCNM, Dip.Hyp, mNCIP, mANP

Deborah lives in the UK, and has gone on her own healing journey after contracting Lyme Disease in 2018. Previously a museum curator and engagement professional, she now specialises in supporting people with long-term health conditions and chronic pain through naturopathic nutrition and lifestyle coaching, mindfulness and hypnosis. She is particularly interested in the mind-body connection and how our internal and external environments affect our well-being. She still lives with chronic pain, MCAS, Dysautonomia and Lyme Disease and uses her lived illness experience to inform her work with her clients, and her own mindfulness practice. She believes that having a chronic illness shouldn’t prevent you from living a happy, fulfilling life, and supports people to find out what that looks like for them.

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